March 31, 2017
March 30, 2017
March 29, 2017
Me and My House
I love my patio!!!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 28, 2017
March 27, 2017
Memphis Monday: East Memphis Icons
(click images to see them larger)
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 26, 2017
Eleven More People
(click image to see it larger)
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 25, 2017
One Week One Hundred People
I don't normally participate in these types of challenges because once I give myself an assignment I don't want to do the thing anymore, but this seemed like fun and I knew that if I didn't get to 100 nothing bad would happen :)
Which is good, because I only got to about 60. But then again, it wasn't a week, it was only five days (March 6-10).

I had big plans for getting to 100. I literally had plans for most days, such as a group photo of women artists in Memphis, during which I completely forgot to sketch, and lunch with girlfriends, during which I was too busy visiting to sketch, etc.
On Friday there was a Spark/Spillit event - Women and Their Art - where I got 20 more people! By then I was feeling so confident that the very last sketch I did I showed to the woman because I was so happy with it.
Some things I learned:
• Sketching with a fat pen makes everything easier! It's freeing somehow, and makes me less timid.
• If I see a person I want to sketch I just have to sketch them! I can't eat lunch first or they will leave before I'm done, and I can't think about it too long or the moment will have passed.
• The way my life it set up, I really don't see a lot of people during the day! Except at work, but I'm weird enough there without going around sketching everyone.
• I like sketching people! I usually sketch around them, but now I have a whole new subject everywhere I go.
• I can take on a challenge without "winning" it and everything will be okay :)
(click images to see them larger)
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 09, 2017
Bookclub dog, Pond. Her brother Wash won't be still long enough to be sketched.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 08, 2017
Recent Memphis Urban Sketchers Outings
In February we went to the Barret Library at Rhodes - it's a really beautiful building, and it was a good day to be inside!
I sketched Martha Kelly and Carl Fox sketching, with a backdrop of stained glass windows.
I sketched the skyline with a fat pen, because I find they make me less fussy.
That bridge, the "New Bridge," proves to be as elusive to capture a likeness of as another Memphis icon, Elvis.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 07, 2017
Sketchbook Class at Flicker Street Studio
I'm teaching the a class at Flicker Street Studio later this month called Getting Comfortable with your Sketchbook - it's a fun class! If you want to start using a sketchbook regularly, or kick-start your sketchbook habit, join us to learn about different materials and techniques.
Click here to sign up at Flicker Street Studio.
Tuesday Evenings
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
March 21st - April 4th | 3 Sessions
$175 | Materials Included | Beginner and up
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
One Intersection, Three Lights, and a Trip to the Gas Station
Sketched the Clark Tower while getting gas.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
As a big thank-you to all of my readers for visiting, I'm giving away this tiny painting ! To enter, just leave a comment on this post b...
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...
My new office is right next door to the Dixon Gallery and Gardens and every day I park facing the trees and the bushes that are just start...
Sketchwork Moved!
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...