December 25, 2013
December 24, 2013
Portrait Sketch Season
I did a couple of commissioned sketch portraits for Christmas recently, and it had been a while since I'd done any so I made my family and friends sit for me so I could practice. Luckily we had Ravioli Day, so I had plenty of subjects to choose from.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 23, 2013
Memphis Monday: Utility Poles
I made this quick sketch while getting gas on a very cold morning. I like the activity of the birds.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 21, 2013
Ravioli Day
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 20, 2013
Follow Friday: Pete Scully
Pete Scully is a sketcher who makes very intricate sketches of buildings and toys and mince pies. Take a look at his blog - his sketches speak for themselves!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 19, 2013
Thanksgiving in Fort Lauderdale
Harper insisted that I sketch their living room - here it is!
We took the kids to the park to burn off some energy after Thanksgiving dinner. Don't they know that's when you nap?
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 18, 2013
Studio Night Last Night: Thinking About My Show
I started the Tiny London paintings soon after returning from London and they feel like how I would think about the trip so soon after it: little snippets of an image or memory, or of a feeling of walking down a particular street, would come back to me here and there.
After more time had passed and I had taken more trips, I started making some of those paintings bigger. By then the memories about and feelings of the trip began to shift; some were more vivid while some faded. In making the Small London paintings, I played with the colors and moved the forms around.
The paintings of Spain I call, "Learning to Say I Love You in Spanish." They are of a village called Robledillo de la Jara and the countryside around it, and of Madrid. My husband and I went there in 2010 with my uncle and aunt and several cousins to visit my aunt's mother; it was our first experience traveling with others. We fell in love with the place and made a friend for life. It was the kind of magical trip that is transformative, but transforms over time into a thousand different stories and feelings.
It took me over three years to process the trip enough to paint it. These paintings are meant to feel more like sketches in the way they were made, and to feel more like memories in the way they are loose, with oddly paired imagery that is slightly unreadable in places.
The exhibit, April in Paris and Lessons in Spanish, with Martha Kelly's watercolors and prints of Paris, is up until January 2nd at Memphis Botanic Garden, 750 Cherry Road, Memphis TN.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 03, 2013
Tallahassee Tuesday
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 02, 2013
Memphis Monday: Lisa's Lunchbox
Lisa's Lunchbox
5885 Ridgeway Center Parkway #101
Take the first left in the Ridgeway Loop, then turn left into the first parking lot. Go into the building on the right, and there it is!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
December 01, 2013
Supply Sunday: Oil Paint
You can see what I've been working on at my show that opens on Tuesday.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
November 30, 2013
Another Trip
We mostly ate cheese dip and drank wine, but we also managed to go for a walk around the lake shore (after a nap, of course).
I sketched this from the deck of our cabin.
Here are Terron and Heather reading magazines while it's still light out, before we started a beautiful fire in that fire pit behind them. We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs, drank more wine, and then went inside to watch the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I'm happy to be celebrating it with family. I'm also happy to work at a place that hosts a Thanksgiving Potluck every year. After years and years of working with two or three other people, I still get a lot of joy from participating in giant potlucks!
Here's a sketch I did while doing dessert intake duty at this year's potluck. Look at all those desserts!
(click image for more detail)
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
November 27, 2013
Studio Night Last Night: Studio Sketches
Click on the sketches to get more detail.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
November 26, 2013
I'm Back from Several Trips
On the drive from Texarkana to Austin, LOOK AT WHAT WE FOUND! We sped off the interstate even though we weren't hungry yet and ate some glorious glorious In-N-Out burgers.
I enjoyed watching all the birds and the shadows on this church across the street from our hotel. I forgot to draw the birds because I had to draw this super fast as the shadows started to disappear. The sun was going down fast.
That night we went to a restaurant called Shady Grove with Toby's mom and brother, his two aunts and his two cousins. We had a great time just laughing and laughing.
On Friday we hung our in our hotel room a lot. It was really relaxing.
After lunch I wandered around and went to the capitol.
Saturday was the wedding. I got to sketch while we waited for the wedding to start, the whole time wishing I had more than just a pen with me.
The wedding and reception were lovely, and we're happy to have Shannon in the family!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
As a big thank-you to all of my readers for visiting, I'm giving away this tiny painting ! To enter, just leave a comment on this post b...
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...
My new office is right next door to the Dixon Gallery and Gardens and every day I park facing the trees and the bushes that are just start...
Sketchwork Moved!
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...