September 28, 2013
September 27, 2013
Follow Friday: Adebanji Alade
Last night was the last of the Sketching with Oils classes I taught at Flicker Street Studio. What a great class that was!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 26, 2013
Sketching with Oils
For the past three Thursdays, and again tonight, I've been teaching Sketching with Oils at Flicker Street Studio. The class is an introduction to painting with oils and an exploration of sketching with different materials. We learned the basics of mixing colors and of composition while "drawing" with paint. The students did a great job, as you can see below. Can't wait to see what they do tonight!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 25, 2013
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my ever-patient husband, who will sit with me, or for me, while I sketch; who will sing me a song when I ask him to, or will make one up; and who makes me laugh every day. I love you!
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
Studio Night Last Night: Paint!
A few minutes in
End of Studio Night
Corner of a painting that I finished!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 24, 2013
Busy Friday Night
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 23, 2013
Memphis Monday: Epic!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 19, 2013
September 18, 2013
September 17, 2013
Obligatory Airplane Sketch!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 16, 2013
Memphis Monday: Cooper Young Festival!
Every year the Cooper Young neighborhood invites the rest of Memphis over for a party. It is a completely crazy event with people parking up to a mile away, getting drunk on the street in the daytime, eating funnel cakes and buying crazy looking folk art.
You have to go with the right attitude, that you will be hot and sweaty and it will be crowded and there will be a guy pulling a barbecue smoker on the back of a bicycle (not even to sell, just to eat later), and that all of that will be okay.
We listened to singer/songwriter Mark Stuart.
Later, after pronto pups, twisted taters, lots of shopping, some much-needed rest on a friend's porch, lemonade and a funnel cake, we sat down on a curb in the shade to hear the band Motel Mirrors. In this sketch half of the people are facing one direction watching the band, and the other half are facing the other direction waiting for the ATM.
These two ladies brought chairs.
Last sketch of the day, listening to the band, maybe dancing a little while sketching.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 15, 2013
Supply Sunday: Laloran Sketch Books
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 14, 2013
September 12, 2013
New-to-Me Restaurant
As I sketched the pepper sauce that sits on the table of so many restaurants here I wondered, do people outside of the south use this? Or even know what it is? Does it have any uses other than to go on turnip greens or collard greens? Here's how I do it: I sprinkle this all over my greens, then eat a layer of greens, then sprinkle on some more, and so on and so on.
I was using Dr. Ph Martin's watercolor in a waterbrush for the red and noticed it was kind of leaking, so I grabbed a napkin to clean it up and it was just everywhere. Then on the napkin it looked like blood! I took that napkin and wrapped it inside of a cleaner one so that it wouldn't look like a terrible accident had occurred at my table.
There was so much food that the next day I had the leftovers for lunch. This time I was ready with a marker that was closer to the color of greens.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 11, 2013
Studio Night Last Night: The Comfort of Paint
As usual these are just a sneak peek. I can't show you the whole thing yet because they wouldn't make sense to you. But I'm relieved that they make sense to me!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 10, 2013
September 07, 2013
September 06, 2013
Follow Friday: Beth Gilmore
Follow Beth Gilmore at Tales from the Little Pink House, where she posts her own work, which is simultaneously sweet and haunting, and posts interesting work by others.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 03, 2013
September 02, 2013
Memphis Monday: Dixon Gallery and Gardens
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
September 01, 2013
Supply Sunday: Sketcing with Pencils in Museums (or, I Also Went to Nashville)
Though I thoroughly enjoyed sketching these, and was especially glad I had color to work with, these little sketches in no way do justice to these gorgeous objects. They are really, really lovely - just no other word for it.
Though I made this one look like an clumsy dragon, it was actually the most beautiful car there.
There were a couple of motorcycles, too.
Even the shadows created by the door handle were beautiful.
It was weird to sketch in pencil so much after using nothing but pens for the last year, but it was the perfect way to sketch these cars because I could just go over the shapes repeatedly, trying to get it right.
The colored pencils are Derwent Inktense, and the graphite pencils are Design Drawing 4B. These are in my Laloran sketchbook, so they are pretty small.
We ate that night at City House, which was a very good way to end a fun day.
(click images for more detail)
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
As a big thank-you to all of my readers for visiting, I'm giving away this tiny painting ! To enter, just leave a comment on this post b...
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...
My new office is right next door to the Dixon Gallery and Gardens and every day I park facing the trees and the bushes that are just start...
Sketchwork Moved!
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...