March 31, 2014
March 29, 2014
Unexpected Night Out
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 28, 2014
March 27, 2014
Last Month's Sketch Group
I call this one Big Monster with a Hat On, inspired by Inma Serrano.
I also sketched in side the Poplar/White Station Library, which sits in front of the White Station Tower and the Clark Tower. It's the library of my childhood!
And I sketched at Casablanca Restaurant, where some of the sketchers met for lunch.
Join us for the next sketch group Saturday, April 5 at Elmwood Cemetery, 9:30 til noon!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 26, 2014
Studio Night Last Night: Class Prep Mostly
There are seven paintings here just glaring at me. Don't worry paintings, I'll get to you.
This picture is from the first class last week. I like to make my students make sketches for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. It's so fun, even if I'm the only one who ever enjoys it. But they do like it later when I let them collage into and over the quick sketches.
Do you ever make sketches that quickly? It's fun to mix it up.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 14, 2014
Follow Friday: Poets and Bookstores
Go to Burke's and buy yourself a copy!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 13, 2014
Tiny Sketchbook
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 12, 2014
Studio Night Last Night: Slides!
Before I began Studio Night proper, I went to David Nester's house to pick up some paintings he photographed for me. He does an amazing job photographing artwork! I could never get the subtleties of the paint and colors like he does.
This one is:
La Oveja de Robledillo
2013, oil on paper, 30" x 22"
La Presa
2013, oil on paper, 30" x 22"
These are both from my ongoing series Learning to Say I Love You in Spanish. I showed six of these at the Botanic Gardens in December.
These two are from my series Small London, which I also showed in December.
This one is:
Westminster Abbey
2013, oil on canvas, 12" x 12"
UK Border
2013, oil on canvas, 12" x 12"
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 11, 2014
Teaching at Flicker Street Next Week
Thursdays · March 20 - April 3
6:00 - 9:00 · 3 sessions
$125 · Plus $25 Material Fee
Beginner and up
An artist's sketchbook is bedrock for ideas, recording impressions, feelings, and thoughts about their world. This class will focus on sketching from direct observation and other methods for bringing those impressions to life.
Sign up Online Here OR
Call 901-767-2999
Also take a look at Flicker Street Studio's redesigned website!
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 05, 2014
Memphis Monday, Delayed by Weather: Jury Duty
Then they told me that I don't even have to go and my obligation is complete. Somehow that feels very Memphis too, but I can't explain why.
I made this sketch during... I don't know what it's called but it's when a whole bunch of people are called to the convention center to get jury duty orientation and to schedule the week that they'll serve jury duty. I guess it's called orientation. It's actually a pretty good system, and it allowed me to accidentally pick the week with the craziest of this crazy winter weather, which ended up getting me out of it altogether.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 02, 2014
Supply Sunday: Laloran Sketchbooks Again
I've featured Laloran Sketchbooks before, showing the freebies we got at the Urban Sketchers Symposium in Barcelona last year. I finally bought some - four, in fact, to try out a variety of sizes and paper. These are great and I can't wait to use them all up. I bought smaller ones because I like a change from the heavier ones now and then.
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
March 01, 2014
Trip to Savannah
Here's my obligatory airplane sketch, above.
I ate lunch by myself at The Distillery - it was good! It was also nearly the last time I would be alone all weekend.
I can't resist these trees. Live oaks, I think? The place is lousy with them, and with squares as well. Memphis could use a few more squares. I keep saying we need one in East Memphis, preferably within walking distance of my office.
Below is a sketch from the dinner that our lovely hosts provided. What a meal! It was a low-country boil followed by chocolate covered strawberries and bananas. Also followed by lots of talking and sketching. Plus, our hostess Lisa made that cake plate!
After working and working and working and working on Saturday, we took a break and had a sketchcrawl with locals from Savannah and the surrounding area, and even as far away as Atlanta!
We had all ages and skill levels, just like I always tell people in Memphis to get them to come out. Although this young man's skill level was pretty high! He's good.
We even had someone using an Etch-A-Sketch! I think that was a first for Urban Sketchers. She was good, too!
Again: trees.
So. Much. Deciding. It was fun to just be able to pull out my sketchbook during a meeting and start sketching without anybody thinking that was weird.
And here we are! Six-sevenths of the Urban Sketchers executive board! I feel very fortunate to be a part of this group - such smart people all dedicated to the same cause of promoting the educational value of on-location drawing. Yay us!
(You can click on the images for more detail.)
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Memphis Urban Sketchers
As a big thank-you to all of my readers for visiting, I'm giving away this tiny painting ! To enter, just leave a comment on this post b...
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...
My new office is right next door to the Dixon Gallery and Gardens and every day I park facing the trees and the bushes that are just start...
Sketchwork Moved!
Please visit Sketchwork at . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...