May 31, 2011

Sacramento Day 3

May 30, 2011

Sacramento Day 2

More vignettes

During a long lunch break I got to go to the beautiful park that surrounds the capitol building.

The bike race was the Amgen Tour of California. It went right in front of our hotel!

May 29, 2011

Sacramento Day 1

I went to Sacramento a week or two ago for work. I'm sure the first thing I thought was: great sketching opportunity! Here's the plane to Denver:

Then I started making these little vignettes of things going on:

May 28, 2011

At Shannon's

May 27, 2011

Calvin's Band Concert

My nephew is in the concert band at his middle school.

My brother was to my right, writing in his little book (he's a writer), and I was sketching in my sketchbook, and Calvin's brother Joshua was too my left bored out of his mind. Luckily, I usually carry an additional tiny sketchbook in my wallet! (I'm a little obsessed.) So I handed it to him and he made an incredible perspective drawing of the seat in front of him. I let him keep the sketchbook.

May 25, 2011

New Painting(s)?

May 24, 2011

Sketches of Sketches

May 17, 2011

Sketch Group Last Week 4

We ate lunch at the famous Arcade Restaurant, delicious as always, before heading over to Martyrs Park to get a good look at the Mississippi River, which on that day was still about 3 days short of cresting. It was an amazing sight, and it was equally amazing to see all the people out looking at the river!

May 16, 2011

Sketch Group Last Week 3

This cute lady would not stand still! Too busy helping people.

May 15, 2011

Sketch Group Last Week 2

Guess where we were? Memphis Farmers Market, staring down some delicious-looking bok choy and other green things.

May 14, 2011

Sketch Group Last Week 1

I like to start out a big sketch day with the Memphis Urban Sketchers by doing quick sketches, but they get out of hand and I do one GIANT sketch. So on this day I drew a bunch of boxes in which to make quick sketches - brilliant! But then I sort of overdid the details for them to be quick sketches, right? Oh well, I did quick sketches on the right side of the sketchbook.

May 13, 2011

May 10, 2011

Go Bumblebees!

May 09, 2011

Saturday Before Last

On Mud Island before it was closed due to flooding

May 03, 2011

Sketching Life

Over the past 3 Thursdays I taught a class for the first time. The class, Sketching Life, was offered at Flicker Street Studio, where I had already taken two great classes.

The goals of the class were to get students in the habit of carrying and using a sketchbook, and basically to draw more.

In the first class we talked a lot about what sketching is, and the students did several very quick sketches as they got to know their sketchbooks.

In the next class, we discussed perspective and spent more time on sketching larger areas.

For the last class, we went outside and sketched the area around the studio from direct observation.

Then we went back inside and practiced the social aspects of sketching, as we sat around a table sketching each other. Here's my sketch:

May 01, 2011

Double Yellow

It is rare that I would pair a yellow belt with a yellow sweater, but sometimes an outfit is more about shape than about color.

Actually this day it was about color. I was cheering on the Green Bay Packers on behalf of my husband for a Superbowl-themed jeans day at work, hence the green and gold.

This Tiny Outfit painting is available on Etsy.

Very Memphis

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