October 31, 2006
October 30, 2006
San Francisco 1
We started our San Francisco marathon journey by eating some delicious food at Dottie's True Blue Cafe on Jones.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
October 19, 2006
Paris 6
Goodbye Blogpage Readers. I will be out of town for...a bit. I'll have lots of new fun sketches to show off when I return.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
October 18, 2006
October 16, 2006
October 15, 2006
Paris 3 - Versailles & Back
I drew this while we waited for the train to Versailles - the wrong train.
In case I need to find my way back?
Back on the train, with mementos of paying to pee.
At the restaurant "Chartier" - I didn't have my camera with me, but I wanted to remember the restaurant. However, I did not think to pull out the sketchbook until after I'd had half a bottle of wine.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
October 13, 2006
Paris 2
These are from the fabulous Rodin Museum. It was cold, so I drew the gardens while looking out a window inside the museum, but "Le Penseur" was outside and boy was it cold. Cold cold cold. I drew it while sitting on a bench, sort of between some bushes, and another tourist walked up to the sculpture to sit in the "Thinker" pose and have his picture taken. He didn't see us sitting on the bench between the bushes at first, and when he did he got embarrassed and ran off without getting a funny picture taken. Stupid American!
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
October 12, 2006
Paris 1
11/24/05 - Thanksgiving Day
Around this time last year we were planning our trip to Paris, so I thought I'd share some sketches from the trip. This was from our first full day there - Thanksgiving Day. Or as the French call it, Thursday.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
October 10, 2006
October 06, 2006
October 05, 2006
October 04, 2006
October 03, 2006
October 02, 2006
Calgary 8-12
This was the best exhibit I've seen in a long time. And this is where I admit to the full extent of my obsessiveness, as I let the whole internet see how I documented every detail of every painting in the show.
sketched by
Memphis Urban Sketchers
As a big thank-you to all of my readers for visiting, I'm giving away this tiny painting ! To enter, just leave a comment on this post b...
Please visit Sketchwork at elizabethalley.com/sketchwork . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...
My new office is right next door to the Dixon Gallery and Gardens and every day I park facing the trees and the bushes that are just start...
Sketchwork Moved!
Please visit Sketchwork at elizabethalley.com/sketchwork . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...