July 22, 2017

One Week 100 People - Symposium Prep Edition

Well that sure was fun! I sketched 86 people, so I didn't make it to 100, but that is 26 more than I did during the last challenge in March!

(click images to see more detail)

During this challenge I was reminded how important it is for me to make time to sketch, instead of waiting for when I have time. This sketch was done one morning before work. I parked and looked up and there were all these people walking into work. So I sketched them!

And that's something that is so great about sketching - when you are in it, you pay more attention to the world around you than you would otherwise.

This was a good way to prepare for the Symposium, too. I get out of the habit of sketching every day, so this helped me to get back into it.

I get out of that habit because I would just be sketching every day things. But this exercise helped me to see/remember that the everyday stuff is worth paying attention to and remembering.

One Week 100 Cars would be a very easy challenge for me.

In the end this reminded me how much I enjoy sketching people, especially with my fat pen.

Now I'm all ready for the Symposium next week!


Joan Tavolott said...

Congrats on getting so many done. Thanks for posting the challenge...I finished my last group today.

Memphis Urban Sketchers said...

Thanks! Glad you were able to participate!

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Please visit Sketchwork at  elizabethalley.com/sketchwork . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...