July 12, 2017

Memphis Urban Sketchers at Whole Foods

On Saturday the Memphis Urban Sketchers met at Whole Foods for some comfortable indoor sketching. (It's so hot here.)

Here's my warm-up sketch. Warming up is so important when you know you're going to be sketching for a couple of hours.

There was so much to sketch it was hard to choose! I wandered into the entrance and there were these gorgeous tomatoes, onions, and watermelons. I approached it with the concept I taught in the Painterly Sketching workshop at Flicker Street a couple of weeks ago. I put down the big shapes in watercolor - red/orange for tomatoes, onion-color for onions (sort of a yellow ochre plus burnt sienna maybe?), and green for watercolor. Then I went over them with more watercolor and colored pencils. So much fun!

With time for a couple more sketches I found some more produce, then sketched the whole fish. Some of the other sketchers and I talked about how you how you have to take advantage of having whole fish to draw when you can.

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Please visit Sketchwork at  elizabethalley.com/sketchwork . After 12 years with Blogger, I am incorporating my blog into my website becaus...