September 02, 2011

Yes, I Just Copied This from Listwork

Where I, or my art, or both will be in the upcoming days and months:
  1. Saturday, September 3rd, 8 AM (more like 9 AM) - 1 PM: (That's tomorrow morning!) I'll be sketching with Memphis Urban Sketchers at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens. First in the gardens, then in the gallery. Should be awesome!
  2. Friday, September 9th, 6 - 9 PM: My new show, Go Change, at Flicker Street Studio. Have I mentioned I'm having a show? Please stop by the opening and see the new work, I'm really excited about it.
  3. Tuesday, September 13th, 6 - 9 PM: Interactive Critique at Flicker Street Studio. $10 per session, these sessions are for artists to get feedback on their work in progress and engage in discourse with other working artists. No instructor, but I'll be facilitating to help with the flow. Call Flicker Street Studio to book your spot 901-767-2999. (Two additional sessions October 11th, November 8th, facilitated by other FSS teachers)
  4. Thursday, September 15th, 5 - 7 PM: Some of my work will be in the Cooper Young Invitational Exhibit at David Perry Smith Gallery. The show will also be up during the Cooper Young Festival, Saturday, September 17th.
  5. Saturday, October 1st: With Memphis Urban Sketchers, most likely at (and in!) the Sears Crosstown Tower! Fun! More details to come.
  6. Friday, October 7th: Opening event for Fragments at Harrington Brown Gallery, works by artists and poets, paired together for inspiration.
  7. Thursdays, November 3rd, 10th, 17th, 6 - 9 PM: Teaching at Flicker Street Studio - The Sketchbook. Conquer your fear of the blank page!
  8. Saturday, November 5th, 11 AM - 2 PM: With Memphis Urban Sketchers at India Fest! At the Agricenter.
  9. Saturday, December 3rd: Memphis Urban Sketchers, location to be determined
  10. Saturday, December 10th, 10 AM - 2 PM: Teaching a workshop at Flicker Street Studio - Exploring the Landscape, about drawing from direct observation.
  11. Whenever: I have some work at Harrington Brown Gallery that you can see any time.

1 comment:

Dwayne Butcher said...

looks like you are going to need more studio nights...

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